Lots in my head. The DJ project "Featuring the Lights and Sounds..." is doing great and picking up momentum as more people 'get' what we are doing. Next week we kick off our East LA DJ PM Panels, which will be panels of DJs and promoters that were a part of the past, present and future of the DJ scene from the Eastside. The opening night was muy cool.

Enjoyed the concerts I listed below. Sean Kuti was the best, such a great LA night full of color and funk; my homegirl Nina Lares jazzed it smooth in the Pasadena sun, got there in time to hear the house classic 'Days Like This' by Sean Escoffrey; of course Very Be Careful was the bomb, but dancing barefoot in the grass with my girl made it even more especial; The Hollywood Bowl always delivers a great show, Los Amigos Invisibles are my favorite live band. They play music like DJs would, non stop beats, breaks, samples of classics and back into a groove.
Hanging with bloggers at the monthly meeting has made me a little... ummm... more cautious of what I write, and I don't like it. When I started this I wasn't a big blog reader. I didn't know all the players and the rules. I just wanted to spit out my spew not caring or knowing if anyone was even going to read it. Sure I invite my friends to read, but since learning more about blogztlan I now know that I am muy revealing! Many bloggers work hard to keep their anonymity so they can say more, or so they don't say less. My homie R... oooopps Kualyque wrote this very cool blog about what he writes about and included some stuff about anonymity. It made me think more about what I write.
-Whine? YES I do. I need to let it out somehow/somewhere. Didn't Sienfeld make millions just whining?
-'Boo hoo' about my bike's flat tire? YES I did! It sucked!!! Although I saw the karmic connection and learned from it, I think.
-Tell you where to go get this or that? YES! But I don't tell all my secret spots, the lines are long enough.
One thing I know I can improve is having more pics. I don't have a camera other than the one in my phone. The ones above are copies from my girl's camera.
Here is a pic from my phone of what I ate today:
It's left overs from Dim Sum on Sunday morning. I won't tell you where I went, but it is peanut chicken, Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce, home made steamed rice (from last week) and some lime juice. Making my mouth water!
I added a new blog to my 'Sites to Visit' at the bottom of this, it's my homie's Raul Campos' blog. Pinche cool interview with Moby. Check it.
I'm sticking to sticking my neck out and saying what's in my head not caring what others may think. If that's not cool, well I guess I'm a nerd, but I can't be a nerd cuz nerds are now the cool kids and I can't be cool if I take a stand, can I?
Fuck it. It's my world. You are just visiting Pachucoville. You don't like it? Me vale. Sal te guey. Larrrrrgate.
As if...